This course is open to everybody who wants to practice their reading and translating skills in Old English. A meeting will usually comprise of 1-1,5 page of text to be translated and analysed linguistically. We will begin with simple prose texts, hopefully moving on to alliterative poetry (yay!) in the second semester.

Ideally you should familiarise yourself with the text prior to the meeting, trying to translate it on your own. In this, your best friend will be an electronic, stand-alone version of the Bosworth-Toller Anglo-Saxon dictionary; this piece of software is completely free and can be downloaded from here: (with macrons, updated by Małgorzata Deroń). During the meeting you will be provided with glossaries to the text, in case you have something better to do beforehand ;).

The most important thing is that the study group has as its primary target you - the students. If you have any ideas as how to make the meetings more interesting (although Old English should be interesting enough in itself, right?), feel free to share them with us. Also, do not be afraid to be wrong - after all, it is us who should be more afraid to make mistakes in front of you rather than the other way round ;).

This year will be meeting at 6 p.m. in CH 212.