This is an introductory lecture in rhetorics and literary theory.

(Second semester of a two semester course. Continued as 15-HLBP1-NA-22 in the second semester.)

The course is devoted to the presentation of the texts and contexts of the history of English literature from medieval to late Victorian period. The course commences with Old English poetry and prose, continues through the Middle English period with Geoffrey Chaucer’s medieval encyclopedia of genres The Canterbury Tales, and looks at religious (the mystics, religious poetry) and secular (romance and fabliau) literary traditions. Next, we study the history of drama and the theater in the Late medieval and Renaissance period, as well as renaissance humanism in poetry. The literary works written during the Puritan Period and the Restoration offer two difference approaches to reality, religious and secular, thus they offer an insight into the seventeenth century culture. The Age of Reason, or Augustan literature, Romantic and finally Victorian literature are presented through the works of their major representatives writing poetry, prose and drama. In order to strengthen the analysis of the texts discussed each literary epoch is introduced through the main trends in culture, philosophy and science.


Rozwinięcie umiejętności podstawowej komunikacji w języku irlandzkim na poziomie A1; Przekazanie wiedzy z zakresu podstawowych struktur gramatycznych oraz podstawowego słownictwa; Rozwinięcie umiejętności korzystania ze źródeł językowych (słowniki) oraz opracowań naukowych (gramatyka j. irlandzkiego, źródła elektroniczne); Wyrobienie umiejętności słuchania ze zrozumieniem konwersacji na poziomie podstawowym; Wyrobienie umiejętności krytycznej oceny własnych kompetencji językowych oraz umiejętność samodzielnego dokształcania się. Wyrobienie umiejętności komunikacji i pracy w grupie.

Filologia angielsko-celtycka 1BA



The course covers the main grammar areas, including more sophisticated uses of the grammatical structures. The coverage of each grammar area consists of the theoretical and the practical part, in both of which students are expected to participate actively on the basis of pre-read reference materials. Students are supposed to use the grammatical structures accurately and in the appropriate context, and also to be able to explain the form and use of a particular grammatical structure and give their own example sentences. Students should know the grammatical structures well enough to communicate successfully, and should be capable of distinguishing between written and spoken language.

Credit requirements:

continuous assessment on the basis of regular grammar tests (after each main grammar area), short quizzes, and two semester tests

active participation in class activities 

homework assignments completed on time



1. Rozwinięcie umiejętności artykulacji dźwięków angielskich i wyrobienie umiejętności świadomego kontrolowania swojej wymowy i niezależnej pracy nad nią.

Welsh as a Foreign Language

English-Celtic Philology 1BA