The proseminar brings closer to various aspects of education systems around the world. Its objective is to learn about some education systems around the world as well as to analyse, compare and evaluate them.

Questions we are going to discuss:

How are the different education systems organized? What are the financing sources? How much of autonomy does a teacher have? How is language education organized? How is special education organized? What are the most important problems and challenges of education in these countries.

For a successful completion of the course, each student is required to actively participate in in the class discussions and prepare a presentation.

Outline of a presentation:

Introduction to the education system. 

Recent transformations & changes.

Financing education.

Curricula (learning languages?)

Teacher. How to become one?

Place of students with SEN  in the system

Advantages, challenges and key-problems


1.     Asian Education Systems (2016), [ed.] Juszczyk S., Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek.

2.     Crehan L., Mayer R.E. (2017), Cleverlands: The Secrets Behind the Success of the World's Education Superpowers, Random House UK.

3.     Goyette, K.A.(2017), Education in America, University of California Press.

Systemy edukacji w krajach europejskich  (2012), [ed.] Potulicka E., Hildebrandt-Wypych D., Czech-Włodarczyk C., Impuls.