

Language is a funny thing — some of the most common, colourful, and dynamic words in it have always been strangely absent from public discourse, dictionaries, and general awareness. Were Anglo-Saxons really so noble as to launch into a long poem full of kennings when seeing a monster tearing their compatriots to little pieces? And what about the Bard? Would Hamlet react to his father's ghost with "Angels and ministers of grace defend us!", or would he choose something pithier? That is the question, therein lies the rub.
The aim of this proseminar is to take you on a journey through the history of the English language as it developed many ingenious ways of cursing and swearing. In that we will interact with original (though modernised) texts, always trying to figure out what specific cases of expressive languages tell us about the society which used, misused, abused, and banned them.